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In Cambodia child labour is still an important issue, and education suffered significant setback during the civil war and genocide perpetrated by the Khmer Rouge in the 70s. Learning a foreign language can be very helpful and Rachna International School wants to give a better future to young children of its poor neighborhood. Some families can't pay the tuition because of their poverty, but RIS is welcoming students who can't afford to go to school anyway, because they believe education is the key to progress, both individual and collective. 

Financially though, this is creating a big gap that we, having volunteered in this school and knowing this lovely family and beautiful project, would like to fill. 

Your donation will allow underprivileged children to continue their education program at Rachna International School: children won't be forced to work in factories or beg on the street, but will have the chance to learn a foreign language that will allow them to access a better future.


We have a crowd-funding project to support a local school in a poor neighborhood of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. Rachna International School was founded and is run by a couple of young Cambodians: for a small monthly fee, they offer English classes to all level students.

Please contact us if you are interested in donation. We will privately send you information.


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